How can you Increase your reach and impact? In this session you'll learn about marketing library services to students, teachers, administrators and curriculum coordinators through direct marketing, co-teaching, co-planning, special programs like author talks and holidays, and perhaps a little bribery on the side! I'm planning to divide it into four sections: Strategies for direct marketing to students, strategies for marketing collaborations with teachers (read along lists, curated resources, co-teaching, etc), how to get support for collaboration with/from curriculum coordinators, and getting support from administrators.
This session will take a big picture look at the current landscape of AI in education 2 years since the launch of ChatGPT. We will look at what integration strategies are being trialed, attempts to curb cheating and plagiarism, and future implications for education. The session will also share strategies on improving AI literacy, recommendations on thought leaders to follow, and how to be a leading voice from the library.
Jennifer Dimmick is one of the library teachers at Newton South High School, and is a graduate of Simmons School of Library and Information Science. Jennifer came to the school library profession after a career in marketing consulting and has had a deep experience in media and its... Read More →