Discover how the genrefication project helped me: involve students in the process, create a collection development plan, streamline operations, improve access for ELL and special education students and increase circulation by 14%. Learn from my missteps and discoveries as you consider how genrefication might work for your collection.
This session is designed for attendees who currently use or are interested in purchasing Destiny Library Manager. Get the most value out of the software by implementing strategies that maximize usage. A range of topics include: creating a library inventory, combining duplicate MARC records, setting up self-checkout, generating a weeding log, tabulating library usage statistics to share with your administrator, and more!
How can you Increase your reach and impact? In this session you'll learn about marketing library services to students, teachers, administrators and curriculum coordinators through direct marketing, co-teaching, co-planning, special programs like author talks and holidays, and perhaps a little bribery on the side! I'm planning to divide it into four sections: Strategies for direct marketing to students, strategies for marketing collaborations with teachers (read along lists, curated resources, co-teaching, etc), how to get support for collaboration with/from curriculum coordinators, and getting support from administrators.